Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Party with Heart

The other day while cruising the interweb, I came across
Party with Heart, they have a party gang network which
consists of various designers all over the world, they choose
an item of theirs to add to the collection, once the
item gets sold they donate 20% of their profit of the sale
to a non-profit organization. So inspiring, they are always
on the look out for stunning pieces to add to their collection,
it's a win win situation for both parties involved.

if you interested in getting involved go and check them out,
they have a great selection of goodies, here are a few examples.


  1. i simply heart them stuffed ellies! how lovely

  2. I know I have a thing for Ellies, I found a wonderful place called kiddies over the moon, ordered myself a beautiful elephant made from thick upholstery fabric, it is be-a-utiful!
