Monday, November 8, 2010

DIY Cake Stands

It was my Mom's 60th and I wish I found this tutuorial then,
i think I'll try it anyway, check it out!

Kate’s Recycled Cake/Cupcake Stands
What You’ll Need:
- old plates (any size)
- old candlesticks or vases (look for anything that is wider at the
bottom, with a sturdy base and a flat top)
- epoxy (from a hardware store)
- masking tape
- popsicle stick or q-tips without their fluff (something to apply
the epoxy with)
- paper plate or scrap cardboard (something to mix the epoxy
on that you can throw out)
- rags and cleaning solution
For the variation:
- template of silhouette (or you can free hand)
- contact paper
- scissors
- spray paint
1. Pick out which pieces you want to put together and test it out.
They should be able to balance on each other without the glue.
If not, you may want to rethink your your plate too
uneven or does your base have a flat enough top?
2. Clean all plates and vases/candlesticks thoroughly.
Dry completely.
3. Measure the back of the plate and mark a dot in the center
with a pen or marker.
4. Squeeze out a little epoxy and follow its directions for use.
After it’s mixed, apply it to the top of the candlestick/vase and
gently place your base upside down onto the plate, using your
dot as a guide to help you center it.
5. Let it sit for a few minutes, then gently press down on it to
hold it in place and get rid of any excess epoxy with a q-tip.
Apple tape on four sides to anchor it while it dries.

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